Business Model: UrbanPhotography

Company Details: UrbanPhotography is a leading photography company based in SG, offering professional car rental photography services to capture the beauty and uniqueness of your rental car. Our theme is "UrbanPhotography is a photography studio and learning platform that offers courses on urban photography, portrait shoots, and professional editing techniques." Value Proposition: At UrbanPhotography, our primary focus is to provide our customers with stunning shots of their rental cars through our expertise in urban photography. We also offer courses and techniques for those interested in learning about urban photography and professional editing. Customer Segments:
  • Rental car companies
  • Individuals looking to improve their photography skills
  • Professional photographers seeking to expand their skills in urban photography
Key Activities:
  • Photography sessions for rental cars
  • Teaching courses on urban photography
  • Portrait shoots
  • Professional editing techniques
Key Resources:
  • Experienced and skilled photographers
  • High-quality photography equipment
  • Studio space for portrait shoots
  • Online learning platform for courses
Revenue Streams:
  • Photography session fees
  • Course fees
  • Sales of edited photos
Cost Structure:
  • Photography equipment maintenance and upgrades
  • Studio rental fees
  • Website maintenance and hosting
  • Marketing and advertising expenses
Customer Relationships: At UrbanPhotography, we strive to build trust with our customers by providing them with high-quality photography services and courses. We also value open communication and feedback to continuously improve our services. Channels:
  • Company website
  • Social media platforms
  • Word of mouth recommendations
  • Collaborations with rental car companies